BloodBowl – Healing Spites vs Kegs

The Gnome Spike! Magazine has introduced a new inducement, Healing Spites, that lets you reroll 1s when rolling to see if players recover from knock outs. Bloodweiser Kegs also help with knock out recovery. A Healing Spite costs the same as a Bloodweiser Key but which is best?

A Bloodweiser Keg gives you a +1 bonus to the KO recovery roll and you can take up to two of them.

Without any inducements, you need a 4+ to recover from a KO so a 50% chance of recovery.

With one Keg you need a 3+ so a 66.7% chance of recovery.

With a Healing Spite, the chance of recovery is the chance of rolling a 4+ or a 1 followed by a 4+. That’s 1/2 + (1/6 * 1/2) = 7/12 or 58.3%.

If you only have 50K to spend then the choice is clear – the Bloodweiser Keg will do a much better job of bringing your players back from the KO box but what about if you have 100K to spend? How do 2 Kegs compare with 1 Keg and a Spite?

With Two Kegs you need a 2+ so an 83.3% chance of recovery.

With a Keg and a Spite, the chance of recovery is the chance of rolling a 3+ or a 1 followed by a 3+. That’s 2/3 + (1/6 * 2/3) = 7/9 or 77.7%.

The maths is clear on this one. Don’t buy a Healing Spite unless you have 150K of inducement cash that you want to spend on inducements that will help with KO recovery. If you can afford to get 2 Kegs and a Healing Spite then that will almost guarantee KO’d players recover (35/36 or 97.2% chance) but if you can’t afford all 3 then Kegs are the way to go.

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